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Which Streaming Device Is Better For Your Buck?

In today's day and age, we want to watch tv shows and movies as soon as we can. We do have movie theaters that allow us to watch movies when they first come out but sometimes we can't make it to the showings or just don't want to. We can also watch tv shows on tv during their specific airing times, but we can't always make it due to busy schedules or other responsibilities. It can be hard to watch what you want when you want, but recently we have received new technology that will allow us to view what we want when we want. We are able to use a Roku and Amazon gave us the Firestick. These two have drastically given us easy solutions to our growing streaming problems. Each has their own pros and cons, and each has features that the other doesn't. So which one is worth it? Which one will benefit you in the long run? We will be discussing, reviewing and ultimately recommending a product.

Pros for the Fire Stick
  • It is being updated to become better every few years.
By making this product, they knew that keeping it updated and new will cause many people to come and buy the product. They started off with lots of cables and a device that was clunky. Now they have transformed their product into a little, plug-in product that doesn't involve any wires or hassle. It's a quick plugin and set up.
  • Able to use voice search
Since the fire stick is a product from Amazon, they have included the option of Alexa voice search. With Alexa right on your remote, you are able to search whatever show or movie you want to use. It makes the whole experience hands free and always you to enjoy easily rather than fiddle with your remote, and it's buttons.

  • It is faster and smoother 

Since the processor and memory is a lot faster, it allows the device to run smoothly. You will experience better viewing time and smooth transitions. It's a lot easier to use than a normal tv or if you are streaming on your computer.

Cons for the Fire Stick

  • Internet connection is slow

Even though it can possibly run smoothly, everything is in accordance with your internet. If you have slow internet, that can cause the device to freeze or slow down. It can cause your shows and movies to not play and buffering constantly.
  • They are constantly updating their product

As seen in the pros, they constantly update their products. They have made their product better and smaller so it can easily fit anywhere but it does cause the user money to keep switching. Every time they update the product, you will want to change devices because it is either easier to use or more convenient. They are changing their products every couple of months, which can add up.

Pros for the Roku

  • Simplicity
The Roku is a lot easier to set up and use than other streaming devices. The remote is easy to use ad the buttons are colored to easily remember what each button does. The menu and services are simple and easy to remember too.

  • Largest selection of apps
Roku has the most apps than other streaming devices. It includes pre-downloaded apps but also offers you to download other apps for free if you want. They have all the big apps and even more a vast variety. 

  • Has a headphone jack for private listening 
A cool small feature that is included with the Roku is that it comes with headphones and also has a headphone jack for private listening. So if you want tv quality screening but don't want the volume to be high or want to listen to the media by yourself, you can always plug in the headphones. 

Cons for the Roku
  • It is pricer
Depending on which kind of Roku you get, it ranges from $50 to $100, while other streaming devices are around $40. You are getting more for your money but if you don't want to spend more money and want a simpler device, you can go with another option. 
  • Bulky
This device is bulky since it is a box. So it can take up more space and is not as easy as just plugging it in. A lot of people don't want another box in their house and would rather have cable free devices.


In the end, it can be up to preference. Are you willing to have a streaming box? Is your internet strong enough to able the streaming devices?
I would personally recommend the Roku. Some versions of the device are a little more expensive but you will be getting your moneys worth for the device.  It also has the most variety of apps, so no matter what you want to use you will have. A cool little thing they have is the headphone jack. You want to watch tv but don't want to be loud, you can always use headphones. 
The firestick isn't a bad option but does have more cons. The voice control is only able to be used for the Amazon app since it is Alexa. When using the firestick with voice control and you aren't on the Amazon app, it will bring you to the Amazon app and give that app as your only option to watch what you were searching. Also, by constantly updating their device, you don't want to go out and buy a new device every couple of months. 
So in the end, the Roku has better options and features. It will last you in the long run and is easier to use. The remote and set up are straight-forward and will allow you to enjoy your shows and movies better. They are also updating their devices but not as constantly as the firestick, which will allow you to enjoy the device until it's run down by normal wear and tear and go out and get a new one when they have updated many features and make it a higher quality. 

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