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How-To: Properly Watch The Marvel Universe Movies

We are getting closer to the super summer filled with superheroes and fantastic storylines. We are finally getting the mega movie Avengers; Infinity War. We are definitely in for a trip and ready to be excited. In preparation for this superhero-filled movie with all past superheroes, we need to go back the in the time and watch all the movies to catch hidden clues and Easter eggs. Now there are a lot of movies, and it can be confusing to figure out which order they need to be in since they weren't released in the order they are on a timeline. We will be discussing in what order is best to watch the Marvel movies and why.

To start off, we have Captain America: The First Avenger. As you can tell by the article, Captain America was the first avenger. The story brings us to Steve's past and how he grew up and eventually how he decided to become Captain America. We see the genuine want to help others Steve has and how he matures and becomes the loved Captain America. This is the beginning of his origins story and how he is connected to Tony Stark, which is by working with his father.

The second movie we have is Iron Man. Initially, this is the movie that opened up all things superheroes. Iron Man became such a hit that it was able to open the door for future Marvel movies and ultimately a timeline so strong. In this movies, we see Iron Mans origin stories and how he ended up with the arc reactor in his body. We see him mature as a superhero and how Iron Man is introduced to a group, which ultimately becomes The Avengers.

Next, we have The Incredible Hulk. This movie was made way before the thought of a possible superhero timeline could be created. Still, it does hint to future ideas and has hidden Easter eggs of other superheroes. We see the problems Bruce Banner has with who he has before and do get a solid backstory on how he became the Hulk. Even though a lot of viewers thought that this movie wasn't the best Marvel movie, it still allows us to connect origin stories and how Bruce became The Hulk, an essential member of The Avengers.

Iron Man 2 is next on the list, and we continue to see the progress of Iron Man. After the first Iron Man movies, the storyline isn't as strong but we do see the development of War Machine and Black Widows involvement as well. Even though many people didn't like this movie, it still introduced significant characters and allowed the timeline to continue.

Next, we have Thor. This movie introduced another prominent character into the timeline. We are introduced to Thor and his brother Loki. We see how Thor came to earth and see how Loki becomes who he is since he becomes one of the more prominent villains in the storyline. It is mostly an origin story but does open the path for future development.

Iron Man 3, as seen in Iron Man 2, was not one of the best movies in the Marvel universe. Still, we see Iron Man further his development and are introduced to other villains. All the Iron Man movies introduce characters, further Iron Man's developments and advance the timeline. 

Thor: The Dark World we see the further development of the nine realms of the universe and see how transporting from realm to realm is possible and which will be brought to more light in future movies. We also see how Thor slowly disappears from the timeline, but he will later eventually come back in.

Captain America: Winter Solider we see Bucky's character emerge and become a big part of the storyline, which will come into place further along the timeline. He mainly comes back from the dead, and we see how he becomes who he is and what he can and can not do, due to his memory restraints.

Guardians of the Galaxy introduces to even more characters and more background information about the infinity stones. We see that the good guys need to gather all the stones so a supervillain can't destroy the world. They aren't seen too soon in the timelines besides being in their own movies, but he helps us visually seen who they are and are later introduced in the next Avengers movies. Next after this would be the second installment, which furthers their story and you can see what they have been up to.

The next origin storylines are Ant-Man, Spiderman, and Black Panther, in that order. We see each individual's origins story and how they fall into the timeline. We are introduced to even more heroes and villains. We even see cross-overs such as Falcom being in Ant-man and how Ant-man eventually meets all the Avengers. Spiderman is introduced to Iron Man, and both are tied together in the timeline, which causes a perfect transition to introduce more heroes in either movie.

Black Panther is the last movie installment before Infinity War. We do see Black Panther appear in Civil War and that was used to introduce the character. We do eventually get his origin story with this movie and can fully comprehend his whole story.

Ultimately, you can watch the movies in whatever order you want, but this timeline can better explain and introduce characters as they come. The timeline ties everyone and every event together perfectly which allows the story to continue on with very few holes. Some questions may have been left unanswered, but then again, we still have many future movies that can answer and fill in those missing holes. It all leads up to big moves done by each hero and each decisions leads to a futher development for the story. It is something fun and interesting to watch so enjoy every movie. You will be swept away to different realms, lives and fun. It's all in good fun to watch these movies, look out for easter eggs and see how everything is connected.

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