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Solving Movie Theater Safety Issues (or at least trying to)

Movies Theater Safety issues have been a high concern over the last decade. No one honestly thought that people could possibly get hurt during a movie and in a movie theater, a place where many families come in together. There have been others issues that have come with this primary issue, such as gun control, mental ability, and security. I can not say a specific way to stop such crimes but only can give my recommendation and thoughts surrounding the issue. So I will be adding my thoughts and questions relating to the primary concern of theater safety and how companies and individuals can go about being safe.

To start off, all movies theaters have several safety procedures they need to go through. They are to check big bags that come into the theater and sometimes let the moviegoers leave their bag at the front desk for safety. This is used to prevent individuals from mostly bringing in food but can also stop people from bringing in unwanted items, such as guns or anything that could be used to hurt someone. To better this procedure, all theaters should make it a priority to check every bag or state that bags over a certain size are prohibited from coming in. As well as, provide an alternate space for bags such as the front desk. This will allow people to have a safe space for bags that they didn't realize where not allowed and feel safe.
Theaters also play a safety video before commercials and sometimes right before a movie. This is a very vital way of sharing critical information quickly and efficiently. I would also suggest putting signs or flyers about that shared information in bathroom stalls and around the building. Sometimes people miss the first couple of minutes of a movie so by having flyers around the building, people's eyes will eventually catch the information and is prepared just in case.
For the moviegoers, finding and establishing a potential escape route before each movie can better prepare you for possible future incidents. By staying alert and using common sense, they will be able to think calmly and quickly if a situation were to arise.

To continue, changing actual laws will be difficult to do. Movie theaters and movie theaters companies can do the best they can on their own but can also inform their government and explain the dangers and issues that have arisen and fight for a change. They have the experience first-hand of the potential hazards that can come to be in a theater and can work towards finding helpful solutions to a significant public safety problem

Movie theater owners and employees should establish a safety plan and have frequent drills to better understand the situation and be prepared if anything were to happen. Managers should talk to employees and have a setting where employees could come speak to managers or those in charge to better relay their concerns and ideas for better safety precautions. It starts with the employees and eventually will come down to how they are to react and carry out the situation.  By having ready and active employees, moviegoers can better experience movie theaters and feel that they are secured.

Owners should also ensure that aisles are adequately cleared out of any obstacles, such as trash. This seems like it a simple fix and something that movie theaters should already be doing. Still, some movie theaters do not schedule enough employees during shifts to ensure that theaters will be cleaned. There have been times where aisles, chairs, and carpets were filled with trash, which is a significant safety hazard. By assigning schedules that can allow a proper amount of time to clean and clear aisles of trash, the theater can better equip guests with safety. This can also apply to visitors, such as properly disposing of trash in bins and cleaning up after yourself and your family. It is an easy fix for this solution but it involves team effort to keep everyone safe.

One last change movie theatres can make to ensure safety for their guests is to hire security guards. Some movie theaters already do this and guests do feel safer with them in the building. Other theaters only hire them for big movie opening nights or for only closing shifts. I suggest that all movie theaters hire one to two security guards to consistently check and walk through the building. This will allow safety checks to be done often and safety if anything were to arise. I do realize this can be an issue for some theaters but by talking about and explaining this possible solution to managers or even to corporations, they can clearly portray why they feel the need to such safety.

There are many different ways to find solutions to movie theater safety issues, such as maintaining crowds sizes, being alert and realizing your surrounds. There are small solutions and more meaningful solutions but to start off we need to find smaller answers. By changing the theaters and informing them that there needs to be better security and awareness of issues, both guests and employees can feel safe. By changing companies thought processes and telling them about possible dangers that could arise, they can be better equipped to understand the situation at hand and also find better solutions. Movie theater managers and employees can only do so much within their power, but by having actual corporations and companies realize the potential harm, they are the ones with the controls and resources that will better protect guests, help everyone feel safe, and prevent future incidents.
It sucks that a place that also seemed safe is now a potential danger. People went to theaters to enjoy a movie and have with their friends and families. That has now been ruin by the shootings and incidents that have happened in the past years. We need to better understand and find solutions to help lower the incident rate and take movie theaters back to their true meaning, to bea place filled with wonder and imagination. It should be a place where people can get inspired, have fun and learn important lessons.

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